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  • Chasing The Bodyguard: An Irish Mob Action Adventure Road Trip Romance

Chasing The Bodyguard: An Irish Mob Action Adventure Road Trip Romance Read online





  Grace Risata

  Copyright © July, 2018 by Grace Risata

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Chapter Forty

  Chapter Forty-One

  Chapter Forty-Two



  Grace Risata Bio and Author Contact Info….


  As the ruthless leader of an Irish Mob Syndicate, Leandra Donahue gets whatever she wants without question.

  Right now, the object of her desire is one stubborn bodyguard who insists on keeping his boss at arm’s length.

  An unfortunate incident sends the two on a cross country road trip where nothing goes according to plan. Can this passionate pair return to business as usual after lines are crossed, boundaries are broken, and hidden pasts revealed?

  Author’s Note: This full length, stand alone novel contains steamy encounters between a man and woman with sizzling chemistry, no cheating, no cliffhanger, and a guaranteed Happily Ever After.

  Chapter One

  I sauntered into the packed nightclub not as a spectator, but rather as a woman on a mission. It had been far too long since I had a night to myself with the sole purpose of blowing off a little steam. As the multi-millionaire owner of a string of successful businesses, downtime was a rarity. It was always ‘go here’ and ‘manage people’ and ‘fix this fuck-up.’ There was no such thing as a relaxing day off.

  Such a shame. A lady needs to have a little fun on occasion, doesn’t she?

  It wouldn’t do me any good to stand here like a statue and just stare at the throng of party-goers. Now is the time for action.

  I breathed in the clubs’ atmosphere and felt a thrill go through me. Sex was in the air. A certain vibe radiated off the gyrating dancers, leaving no doubt that the majority of patrons were here to hook up for a night of unbridled lust. Smiling devilishly, I realized I was in good company. Let the games begin.

  I suppose ordering a drink is a good place to start. As I gazed longingly at the bar, I thought I'd died and gone to heaven. Jackpot. All my wishes were coming true tonight.

  Proceeding straight to the two story fixture in the center of the club, I was eager to get a spot directly in front of the sexy bartender. As I pushed through the crowd of people, I immediately felt a need begin to build between my legs. There he is…the current star of some of my most graphic sexual fantasies. Antonio, in all his Italian glory, muscles rippling underneath a tight black t-shirt emblazoned with the club name ‘Sinner’s Paradise.’ Simply spectacular.

  With his head down, the man focused on cutting up garnishes in preparation for the crowds to come. At first glance it would appear he was oblivious to the flock of ladies jostling to get his attention, but I knew better. Antonio was waiting for just the right woman to come along. He wouldn’t take the first tramp to throw her panties his way. My fantasy man was choosy.

  I just had to convince him that I was the right choice.

  Seductively sliding onto a stool at the end of the bar, I got comfortable and waited to see who might approach. I crossed my legs, knowing I was giving some lucky bastard a shot at my goodies. In life, it’s necessary to bait the trap if you want to catch the desired prey.

  Worst case scenario: Antonio might be immune to my charms and I would have to settle for a complete stranger to satisfy my needs. Judging by the crowd of well-built and virile young men, I still had several worthy specimens to consider.

  I casually ran a hand through my long blonde wig and made sure the disguise was in place. Stalkers had a tendency to latch on once they got a taste of the good stuff, and I was not looking for anything more than a one and done.

  Perhaps the charming bartender would change my mind? You never know…this could be the night when I would learn whether I was able to let go of the past, let go of him, and finally move on with someone new.

  Probably not. While Antonio was good looking and sparked an interest that wouldn’t go away until I acted on it, he wasn’t the one. I knew the handsome young stud was just a passing fancy, and that no one would ever be able to make me forget Samuel. I was cold, calculating, and precise in my business dealings, however matters of the heart were a different story. Antonio would do for an evening’s amusement, but Samuel was the one man I would give up everything for without a second thought. Unfortunately, the stubborn hulk refused to mix business with pleasure, so that left me squeezing my thighs in anticipation of a distraction that might give me a quick thrill.

  Enough waiting. Time is money and I have no patience for this cat and mouse game. Leaning forward against the bar and making damn sure that my cleavage-bearing dress fully displayed my ample assets, I waved a hand in the air to get my target’s attention.

  Let me add that when an attractive woman is dripping in diamonds and wearing a shiny new Rolex, it’s hard to resist the glow of wealth that emanates off her presence. If it takes a little ‘flash’ to grab attention, I don’t care. I’ll use every trick in the book to get what I want.

  Obviously Antonio took the bait and turned his head in my direction. With a sexy smirk, he sidled up to me and displayed the behavior that got him such a player reputation.

  “Hello, my beauty. I’ve never seen you here before. Surely I would remember such a remarkable face. What can I get for you? A woman of your elegance must appreciate only the best. A glass of Dom Perignon perhaps?”

  No. How about your face between my legs, going down on me like a monk that’s never tasted pussy?

  “I’m in the mood for something else,” I purred sensually, reaching out my hand and lazily running i
t down his arm, tracing the tattoo that peeked out of his shirt. A dragon. How appropriate.

  “I aim to please,” he replied, eager to get into the game. Antonio gently took my hand and placed it to his lips, never taking his eyes off mine. I have no doubt the lothario was trying to read me in order to ascertain the best method of seduction. This should be interesting.

  “What do you think would most please me right now?” I countered while licking my lips, hoping we could speed things up and get to the good part. Namely, when he was parting my thighs and shoving his cock between them.

  Antonio opened his mouth to reply, but his words were cut off by a most unwelcome intrusion. An uninvited guest had decided to join our little party of two.

  “Tonio,” a giggling woman babbled, stumbling up to the bar and trying to steady herself before collapsing on a stool. “I don’t know what you gave me, but that was some really powerful stuff.”

  Upon closer examination, I noticed her eyes were bloodshot and she appeared to be waving at some unseen object off in the distance.

  “Hi there, little marsupial. Is that a baby in your pouch?” the woman asked politely, speaking to what I can only assume was a drug-induced hallucination. “What unique colors you have!”

  She stared in amazement as though she'd never seen a purple kangaroo with pink spots before. Hmm. Just what kind of ‘stuff’ had Antonio shared?

  As though reading my mind, he made an unconvincing attempt to explain his friend’s behavior.

  “Absinthe would never be considered a good idea,” the bartender muttered, quickly handing over a bottle of water in an effort to calm the woman.

  Instead of uncapping the liquid and pouring some down her throat, she held it high and began splashing it around like a waterfall at an amusement park. Naturally half the bottle spilled all over my dress and began to form a pool right down my cleavage.

  “You fool! Look what you’ve done!” Antonio exclaimed in horror while jumping over the bar and instantly dabbing at my chest with a linen napkin.

  Although I can think of better ways to get a man’s attention, I wasn’t about to let this opportunity go to waste.

  “Can you point me in the direction of the nearest bathroom and perhaps give me a little assistance? This zipper gets stuck and I don’t know if I can clean up on my own,” I stated with a raised eyebrow, leaving no doubt about my true intentions.

  With his hand still pressed to my bosom, Antonio quickly nodded and ushered me down the nearest secluded hallway.

  “I am so sorry,” he apologized while we walked, his hand finding its way to the small of my back to guide me. Suddenly it moved lower and kept gliding downward until it reached my ass.

  After a quick cursory check to make sure we were completely alone in the dark corridor, Antonio cupped the curve of my rear end, pressed our bodies tightly against the wall, and began to fondle everything within reach.

  Having no interest in letting him make all the moves, I returned the favor and shoved a freshly manicured hand right up his shirt.


  My fingers flew past rippling abs until they found nipples to pinch and caress. Not about to go without a visual of this Adonis, I ripped his shirt right over his head.

  Magnificent. Sculpted like a Greek God.

  Antonio was not satisfied to stop and let me ogle him, though. Nope. My new buddy wanted to explore further. He somehow maneuvered his way straight to my bountiful breasts. This naturally proceeded directly to squeezing and licking and moaning, all on his part, but that’s not what I was here for.

  “Are you going to fuck me or not?” I asked brazenly, grabbing his hand and slipping it under my dress, desperate to get my point across. His fingers danced over the smooth skin of my thighs and went right to my throbbing pussy.

  Yes. Now we’re making progress. Just the way I like it.

  Antonio roughly pushed aside my panties and teased my dripping wet cunt with his thumb. I moaned in encouragement, hoping he would get the hint that I needed more. So much more. The man inserted his finger and began to move it inside me with reckless abandon. I clung to his shoulders and rocked back and forth with no other thought than to ease the ache that had been building since the moment I walked into the club.

  Just as I felt my insides begin to tighten and realized that a release was imminent, he abruptly stopped.

  “My beautiful stranger, I have to make a confession,” Antonio murmured, whispering softly into my ear. I could barely hear him over the hum of the crowd beyond our secluded hallway, and I was in no mood for words at that moment.

  “I don’t care what you’re about to say unless it involves asking me if I have a condom,” I replied while pushing him away so I could rummage around in my small handbag.

  “You should know that I don’t fuck for free, honey. If you want cock, it’s gonna cost you. Judging by all those jewels and that fancy watch around your wrist, I think you can afford me. I want five hundred cash. Are you in or am I out?”

  Really? This little shit had the nerve to try and extort me? Is that what this was? He gets me all hot and bothered only to hold out for the cash? Dangle a carrot in front of my face and then rip it away.

  Hmm. How bad did I really want this?

  “Two hundred now and two when you’re done. If I come more than once, I’ll agree to your full five,” I responded while flashing a pair of crisp Benjamin Franklins. The conceited prick had no idea I would have paid thousands, not hundreds. Idiot. Rule number one in business: know your worth.

  “Okay,” he said, nodding his head in acceptance of the terms. I handed over the condom with the cash, and he immediately pulled down his pants to reveal…an extremely thin and underwhelming cock. Not nearly as impressive as I’d envisioned in my fantasies. I had serious doubts he’d be able to cajole one orgasm out of me, let alone multiple.

  Please don’t think I’m being rude, but his penis had the girth of a fucking pencil. I had half a notion of whipping out my phone and taking a picture. This was some Guinness World Book of Records type shit right here. Unfazed by my negative reaction to his pecker, the arrogant man pushed me up against the wall in order to complete our transaction. I suppose he intended to take me from behind, and I was in the process of turning around to protest this, when all hell broke loose.

  I simultaneously heard shouting and curses as Antonio was ripped off me and thrown to the ground.

  “What the fuck is going on here?” a giant beast of a man yelled while pummeling the moron I’d been moments away from screwing. “You don’t touch her, you piece of shit!”

  “I’m alright,” I insisted, smoothing out my dress and putting on an Academy Award winning performance. “The bartender lured me into the hallway on the pretense of selling illegal narcotics. Naturally I was curious as to what he had to offer, but the jerk shoved me against the wall and tried to steal my purse!”

  “What?!?” Antonio sputtered. “That’s not what happened! She was gonna pay me!”

  Snitches get stitches. Never put the blame on your lady, Antonio. He really gave me no choice but to make a confession of my own.

  “Of course I’m paying you,” I admitted with a shrug. “This is my nightclub and you’re my employee. Or should I say ‘ex-employee.’ Dealing drugs on company time is frowned upon, Antonio. You’re fired.”

  My bodyguard shook his head while giving me a dirty look.

  “How many times do I have to tell you to let me handle things, Leandra? It’s not necessary for you to do this kind of work yourself. It’s dangerous. The second you got word of what he was doing, you should have come to me.”

  I looked up into his sparkling blue eyes and my heart skipped a beat. No matter how many times I gazed at the man, it seemed like the first.

  “I’m an independent woman who needs to get out into the world and check on my businesses. You know, get my hands a little dirty every now and then. Don’t worry, Samuel. Everything is under control.”

  “I don’t enjoy having
to track you down and find you spread-eagle against the wall, boss,” Samuel replied with a rare hint of emotion on his face. Was that jealousy? “Be more careful in the future.”

  He spit on the floor and walked away, dragging Antonio behind him.

  There went all my hope of having any fun this evening.

  Chapter Two

  I slouched down unhappily in the passenger seat of Samuel’s Audi, not even caring to look out the window as we sped past the bright lights of New York City. To any visitor, the scenery would have been completely breathtaking at night. However, this is the only place I’ve ever lived and I was well acquainted with the seedy underbelly of the Big Apple.

  “Are you going to ignore me all night?” I asked with a pout, trying to discreetly hike up my dress in order to entice him with the merchandise underneath.

  In response, he grunted and kept his eyes straight ahead, death grip on the steering wheel as though fighting back anger.

  “Honestly, you have no reason to act like a belligerent child,” I continued, trying to provoke the man into responding. “I went to my club, caught an employee in a blatant violation of policy, and fired him. There’s nothing I did that might be considered out of line.”

  In life, I made the rules, I did not follow them.

  “Did you, or did you not hire me to protect you, Leandra?” he snapped through gritted teeth. “How the fuck am I expected to do my job when you go and sneak off without letting me know where you are? I can’t keep you safe from assholes like that when you do everything in your power to make my job impossible.”

  “I wore the Rolex for safety,” I responded, holding up the aforementioned object. Samuel insisted on knowing my whereabouts at all times, and grew annoyed with my thirst for freedom. We compromised on a tracking device in my watch.

  He merely rolled his eyes and shook his head, causing me to admire his sharp cheekbones and perfectly chiseled nose. The man was a complete work of art. I had to press my thighs together as I recalled the memory of the first time I laid eyes upon him that frigid night in January.